Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday Confession # 2

I know, I missed Friday again. Friday's are a busy day for me so I am renaming this event Sunday Confession's. It makes sense anyway since it is the day people attend Church. Okay, here's my confession. Since I was a little girl, around the age of 11, I have been madly in love with someone. He is WAY older than me. In fact the year I was born he was 19 years old. I will give you a hint, he is the lead singer of a band who's first # 1 hit was Boy's Don't Cry. Do you know who it is? It is no one else but Robert Smith of The Cure. I know, he wears makeup and shit but there has always been something about him that has captivated me. So there it is, and here is a picture of him from back when he first started in the business, he is the one in the very front and one of him now. Enjoy, I know I will!