Sunday, March 23, 2008

Bitching about the Boss

I feel the need to vent about my boss today. He is in his 50's nearing his 60's and has ADHD. Which is fine but it makes him act as if he is 5. Basically, he pays me to babysit him. I have to remind him to take his allergy pills, eat lunch, call his wife and more daily. When things don't go as planned he gets so flustered that he looks like he is about to cry. He has openly told me he has ADHD but refuses to take any meds for it. He claims he doesn't believe in them. UGH! He is starting to sound a bit like my nasty trifling good for nothing piece of shit ex-husband. I guess I can'treally complain, he does pay me well. He also pays me for my drive there and back daily. Alright, I suppose that makes up for it all. It is still aggravating though. I leave my kids to go take care of a big kid. AHHH! It just makes me want to scream.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Caught off Guard

On Friday, I was out running errands and had a stop at the court house. I was unsure of where I needed to go to get copies of my childrens custody papers so I stopped and asked the clerk in traffic. As I turned the corner to approach the counter I noticed it was someone I know and was hoping I would never see again. The girl at the counter was my ex boyfriends sister. We will call her whore bag. So, whore bag went on to act all nice and ask how I was doing. I did all that I could to keep a smile on my face. She is the type of person to that will become your friend and then use anything you say or tell her against you at her convenience and to her benefit. She also wanted to tell me how her brother was doing. We will call him closet boy. I call him this because he is one of those guys that you are sure is gay but in complete denial. I will admit that he was my first true love but I was blinded by this back then. I remember going to a gay bar to watch the drag show and I met my now best male friend there who, yes, is gay. He was shocked that he was my boyfriend because he was sure he was gay. There were a few of his other friends that thought he was gay too. Anyway, he is now married, to a woman, and still in the closet. Anyway, whore bag proceeded to give me her phone number as if she actually thought I would call her crab infested ass. If she had not seen me when I saw her at the courts I would have backed away and went somewhere else to ask for directions. She really is trifling

Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Introduction

Hello everyone, I wanted to start with introducing myself. Although I have chosen to keep my real name anonymous you can just call me Jane. It isn't because I don't want everyone to know who I am. I have a lot going on in my life and I want to keep my identity from a few select people so that I can speak freely about my life happenings. I do have another blog but unfortunately I have to refrain from speaking about certain things on there due to that persons family knowing about my blog. I'm sorry if it seems bitchy but it goes with the title doesn't it? I am happily married and have children. My life is slowly falling into place after many years of struggling financially and emotionally. I love to read novels in my spare time and I often write poetry to release my emotions. Blogging is another great outlet for me to do this. I hope to get to know new people through this blog as I feel I can be myself.