Sunday, March 23, 2008

Bitching about the Boss

I feel the need to vent about my boss today. He is in his 50's nearing his 60's and has ADHD. Which is fine but it makes him act as if he is 5. Basically, he pays me to babysit him. I have to remind him to take his allergy pills, eat lunch, call his wife and more daily. When things don't go as planned he gets so flustered that he looks like he is about to cry. He has openly told me he has ADHD but refuses to take any meds for it. He claims he doesn't believe in them. UGH! He is starting to sound a bit like my nasty trifling good for nothing piece of shit ex-husband. I guess I can'treally complain, he does pay me well. He also pays me for my drive there and back daily. Alright, I suppose that makes up for it all. It is still aggravating though. I leave my kids to go take care of a big kid. AHHH! It just makes me want to scream.


alex said...

I had a boss like that long ago. I used to have to make his cereal in the morning, and chop his bananas. I was young and green at the time and didn't know any better. Now? I'd tell someone to kiss my arse. LOL

It sounds like he at least appreciates all you do for him.

Miss Bitch said...

Yeah, I will give him that much. He is appreciative, but what a pain in the ass!