Sunday, May 4, 2008

Confessional Friday

I have decided to start a post called Confessional Friday. Every Friday, until I run out of things to confess to, I will post a confession. I hope you look forward to these posts cause I know I am. Anyway, I know that I haven't blogged lately but my life is very hectic and busy and I don't always find time to post. So here is my question....have you ever run into acquaintances from high school as an adult? Did you opinion change about them from the way you felt about them in high school after you talked with them? Well, I have run into quite a few and honestly, the only thing that has changed for me is that I now want to punch them in the fucking face. They always come off as cocky and as if they are better than me and frankly, they aren't. If anything they are more stupid and more annoying than I remember. Wow, I feel better now that I got that out. So, that is for today, I will try to post again later this week before my Confessional Friday.


Shelly said...

I have found that I have a lot in common with the people I run into. I have actually become good friends with those that I really only considered aquaintances in high school.

Anonymous said...

Yea, I have ran into old acquaintance from high school and for the most part I don't feel any different about them than I did in high school. Some have fortunately changed, and then there are those who are still stuck back in 1985 when they thought they owned the night. Sadly, those are the ones that are living the totally f*d up lives.

Glad to see you blogging. I'm going through a rough time and havne't been at the keyboard in a few weeks.