Sunday, May 25, 2008

Conffesion #1

I know I missed Friday but it's better late than never. Here is my first confession. When I was about 14 I met a guy named Tom. He was gorgeous. He looked like he belonged in a magazine modeling men's underwear. Anyway, after a few weeks of him courting me, I invited him over to sneak in after my parents were in bed. He was 16 but didn't have a car yet. He lived in about 15 miles away and rode his bike over to my house. The things a guy will do for sex, ugh! To make a long story short, he was my first. We had sex that night and I have no regrets about it whatsoever. I know I was young but he was HOT! We dated for a few months longer until he moved away due to his father getting relocated with the Navy. I actually ran into him a few years later when I was working at an ice cream store. I was already dating someone else but he sat up there with me for hours catching up. He did eventually ask me out on date but stupid me said no. I don't know what I was thinking. Hope you enjoyed my confession.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you were so young. Do you regret doing such a mature thing at such a young age and do you have a picture of this guy? I would love to see him?