Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Introduction

Hello everyone, I wanted to start with introducing myself. Although I have chosen to keep my real name anonymous you can just call me Jane. It isn't because I don't want everyone to know who I am. I have a lot going on in my life and I want to keep my identity from a few select people so that I can speak freely about my life happenings. I do have another blog but unfortunately I have to refrain from speaking about certain things on there due to that persons family knowing about my blog. I'm sorry if it seems bitchy but it goes with the title doesn't it? I am happily married and have children. My life is slowly falling into place after many years of struggling financially and emotionally. I love to read novels in my spare time and I often write poetry to release my emotions. Blogging is another great outlet for me to do this. I hope to get to know new people through this blog as I feel I can be myself.


alex said...

HI there - thanks for checking out my blog. I have a blogger account, but do my writing over at I'm feeling a bit better. The stress is overwhelming, but that's what the blog is for. Look forward to reading your posts. :)

soapbox.SUPERSTAR said...

Thanks for stopping by! We are going to Vegas. We fly out tomorrow and I totally DO plan on drinking too much! ;)

Michele said...

Hi! Thanks for coming by my blog. I'm in a bit of a blogging funk right now, but I'm going to TRY to post more often. (I'm not sure if that's a warning or just an fyi. ha.)